In our modern era, it appears that stress and overwhelm have become a normalized baseline for most people. When we were younger, the majority of us probably received a particular roadmap for success. If you worked really hard, got into a good college, and found a good job that paid you well with benefits, you […]
The Alchemy of Transformation: Navigating Right Alignment Amongst Transitional Thresholds
As spiritual seekers and trailblazers with an insatiable craving for truth, many of us are always leaning into an inquiry of how to discover and maintain balance and alignment in our lives. As beings who are in a continuous process of evolution, our relationship with balance and alignment can look vastly different at every […]
Be Open to Something New
When we’re young, everything is new. Everything is exciting. What joy a toddler has learning about gravity, experiencing the sheer amazement of mailboxes, or to work their fingers. They soak up life like a sponge. Yet at some point in the child’s development, the rate at which he is experiencing and learning new things […]
When It All Feels Like Too Much: Embracing Our Highly Sensitive Nature in an Age of Overwhelm
I believe that all humans are sensitive and intuitive. However, in our modern world, our culture tends to see sensitivity as a weakness while intuition is not something to be trusted. When I was growing up in the 90’s, highly-sensitive people were often diagnosed under the umbrella of disorders such as ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum, […]
How To Mindfully Read The News
Regardless of your political affiliation or philosophical bent, it has undoubtedly been a very intense, very combative time lately in American politics and discourse. It is hard to turn on the TV or pick up a paper or open a website without a strong tone of conflict and strife in most headlines and articles, […]