When I was a little girl, I remember believing that anything was possible. The world was a place of magic and possibility where the only limit was my imagination. Like all of us, my dreams and perceptions of who I could be evolved along with me. From full-time princess to interdimensional astronaut, to marine biologist, and […]
Meditation and Confidence: From Inner Noise To Inner Knowing
Self-confidence is indicated by how strongly we believe in ourselves and in our ability to complete a task or speak up what we’re thinking and feeling. It is an assuredness in ourselves for who we are. A confident person means what they say, and says what they mean. A confident person is not someone […]
Meditation as a Journey to the Unknowable
Meditation is a journey into the unknowable. The practice of sitting and being perfectly free, unattached and nonreactive allows all of the concepts of our mind to fall away. You see, we live in a largely conceptual reality. What is Conceptual Reality? The vast majority of what we experience are concepts – ideas that take […]
Shattering Paradigms: Expanding Beyond What We Believe is Possible
When we are navigating transitional thresholds and expanding beyond our perceived doorway of what is possible, it is normal for our deepest fears and core wounds to surface. As we begin to move beyond the old paradigm of our conditioning, it is natural to contract and reach back towards what was known and familiar. In […]
OM094 – The Finder’s Course, Permanent Enlightenment, & Fundamental Wellbeing with Dr. Jeffery Martin
BIO: Dr. Jeffery Martin is a founder of the Transformative Technology space, serial entrepreneur and social scientist who researches personal transformation and the states of greatest human well-being. He spent the last 10 years conducting the largest international study on persistent non-symbolic experience (PNSE), which includes the types of consciousness commonly known as: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that […]