Can mindfulness improve your performance at work? Many businesses are embracing mindfulness and meditation training to help their employees. But what’s the actual benefit of mindfulness at work? And can it really help you? Work is an area where many of us experience our greatest sense of personal development. We’re rewarded when we perform well […]
5 Reasons You Might Fail At Meditation
Meditation isn’t about what’s happening; it’s about how you relate to what’s happening. ~Sharon Salzberg Do you struggle to get your meditation practice off the ground? If you’re like many people, meditation can be hard to start. And even when you do get started, it’s often difficult to find a groove or sweet spot. When […]
5 Steps To Mindfully Embrace Criticism At Work & At Home
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. ~Winston Churchill Criticism. Yuck! I don’t know many people who enjoy or embrace it. Do you like criticism? I sure don’t. It’s always a bitter pill […]
[Video] The Scientific Power of Meditation
Do you want to learn about the scientific power of meditation? Check out this delightful video from the folks over at AsapSCIENCE. In a simple but power packed 3-minutes, they give you a boatload of digestible data on the science of meditation. If you’ve been looking for a simple way to learn about the latest […]
Why Harvard Says Mindfulness Is A “Must Have” For Business Leaders (And Pretty Much Everyone Else!)
What can neuroscience tell us about mindfulness meditation? Can it, as some people suggest, improve our capacity to change and adapt in stressful situations? And why does a recent article from Harvard Business Review assert that practicing mindfulness is essential to effective leadership? Of course, we all want to change. To become better versions of ourselves. The aspiration to grow, learn, […]