There are a lot of misconceptions in the world of contemporary spirituality when it comes to mindfulness training and attaining deeper inner peace. One of the most common seems to be the idea that people who take meditation seriously should never get angry, upset, frustrated, or have intense emotional responses of any kind. But as […]
How to Succeed in Meditation Without Really Trying
If you want to learn how to succeed in meditation, there’s a wide variety of techniques you can put into practice, meditation music you can listen to, and brainwave entrainment tools that can make accessing a state of deeper relaxation that much easier. But in the end, you may find that the meditative state is […]
Who Am I? The Key to Discovering Your Deepest Sense of Self
You’ve probably heard about the common benefits of meditation, like gaining clarity, reducing stress, or calming an agitated mind. But throughout history, spiritual practitioners, both East and West, have also practiced meditation for another reason: awakening to one’s deepest sense of self. Your Deepest Sense of Self You don’t have to be a yogi tucked […]
Meditation Benefits: Can Meditation Make You Rich?
There are a lot of amazing benefits to meditation. Here are a few meditation benefits that immediately come to mind: stress relief, relaxation, improved concentration, creativity, joy, ease of being, lower blood pressure, the list goes on. A lot of people say it can even improve your sex life. Meditation Can Make You Rich? But […]
Guided Healing Meditation
Accessing the energy of healing during Meditation is a very important skill. It requires very little in the sense of ‘technique’, but much in the way of surrendering one’s sense of “doing” it by your own hand. Healing Meditation Here is a simple way to perform healing during your meditation. Begin by relaxing completely. Take […]