Part 1: The Problem Free Meditation System
In this entertaining video, meditation teacher Jeff Carreira tells the story of how he started his own meditation practice. And he describes how that eventually led him to teach meditation and develop the Problem Free Meditation System.
In the video Jeff addresses an important question about meditation. How do you know if you’re making progress?
Jeff also gives you a short lesson in how to practice the simple technique at the heart of the Problem Free Meditation System. In particular, I think you’re going to love his 5 second guided meditation exercise.
We’d love to know what you think, so please share your insights and reflections in the comments section below. Enjoy!
Part 2: The Problem Free Meditation System
In this second installment from meditation teacher Jeff Carreira, we go to the next level and explore two key questions for every new or seasoned meditator.
1. What is meditation?
2. How do you quiet your mind?
I think you’re really going to enjoy this, and I’d love to hear your response to Jeff’s ideas.
Please share your thoughts in the comments section below the video. Enjoy!
Part 3: The Problem Free Meditation System
In our last video in this series on the Problem Free Meditation System, meditation teacher Jeff Carreira answered two popular questions from our recent survey: “What Is Meditation?” and “How Do You Quiet Your Mind?”
Today, Jeff addresses another important question that many of you asked us: How do you apply meditation in your daily life?
I think you’re really going to love what Jeff has to say about how you translate your meditation experiences into the rest of your life.
I’d love to know what you think.
If you are moved to share your thoughts with everyone, just leave a comment or question and we’ll respond today. Enjoy!
Hi Jeff
I started meditating a few months back and have just watch video and now have a little understanding why my mind can be so noisy, if that’s the right term.
Though I feel that in some of the periods ,my mind has had a chance , to try and sort out particular worries or problems that are happening at present around my life.
Or have I gone wrong here.
I suppose I am asking can meditation help in solving problems?
Hope I haven’t come over to naïve.
Sincerely David
Hello David,
Meditation will give you access to profound creativity which of course will help solve problems. The trick is that meditation is not something that can be approached as a means to an end. It must be approached as an end in itself. As your practice deepens you begin to meditate only to meditate and then you find yourself being more creative, but you are not trying to make that happen.
To the extend that you are trying to use meditation to be more creative you will hinder the true power of the practice.
I hope this helps,
Hi Jeff,
I think you have given voice to my experience while doing my meditation practice, specially how to evaluate my meditation practice…
I have been following About Meditation email course since last 15 days and so far it ha been really good…but I must say your Problem free meditation technique is one of the best think happen during this time.
I will definately chase you if happen to seek for some clarification…as of now I m just enjoying my Practice
Happy Meditation,
I am glad you are enjoying your practice and you can always be in touch if you have any questions. Thanks for writing here and letting me know how it is going.
Thank you Jeff,
I really think this program will help me because I have been struggling a lot with my left brain since I am an engineer as you mentioned in the first part, and in part two it was like you knew me already and you were giving me an advise.
One of the things that you realize after you have done enough meditation and especially if you have worked with enough people doing meditation is that we are all very similar. When you get to know your own mind very well, you will be surprised how much you know about everyone else’s.
Hi Everyone, the Problem Free Meditation System course registration is open. Here’s the link to our special offer:
Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions at all.
I just listened again after a long long to “Problems” from the Sex Pistols … Enlightening I say ;-D
Fantastic Christopher! 🙂