Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Is everything ok? I mean right now, independent of whatever is happening in your life, do you think life itself is a positive event? Stop for a second and think about it. Sure, […]
OM 020: Learning Compassion Through Tibetan Buddhism with Richard Klein
How do you learn compassion? Can meditation teach you? Or does it have to come from your own suffering? Maybe a combination of both? I know well how my own experiences of a broken heart have pierced the veil of selfishness and opened me to the needs, pain, and suffering others. But do we have to live with a broken […]
The Stressed Out Meditator’s Guide to Meditation
You’re exhausted. Your breath is shallow. You’re clenching your teeth and your shoulders are in knots. And the next thing on your to-do list is to meditate. Feels like a joke, right? Sitting for meditation seems like last thing you can do when you’re stressed. And sitting still? Forget about it. You feel anxious just […]
OM 019: A 5-Part Meditation On The Power of Silence
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. ~Aldous Huxley What is silence? I’ve been chasing silence since I was 20 years old. But why is it important and what can you learn from it? Is it, as some research suggests, essential for our health? Many people think of silence as just the […]
OM 018: The Most Popular Meditation Technique on Earth with Tom Bershad
Transcendental Meditation opens the awareness to the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone. – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Have you ever wanted to learn more about Transcendental Meditation (TM)? Arguably one of the most popular forms of meditation on the planet, it’s ironically challenging to learn without spending lots of money […]