It’s the end of the year–the time of darkness, reflection, and holiday. And on most years at this time, I’m very happy. I’m grateful for my loved ones. My health. A warm home. I’m giddy about seeing twinkling lights in front of the homes in my neighborhood. But this year– this year I just don’t […]
How to Effectively Tame Your Inner Critic: Shadow Wrangling
Do you ever have the feeling that, if everything isn’t going well, you aren’t worthy enough to share your voice or wisdom? Have you encountered that internal voice proclaiming that your struggle is a weakness that must be hidden at all cost? Have you sat with the shame of feeling like there must be something […]
How Meditation Changes Your Identity
Until last month, I’ve been wearing eyeglasses since I was 7 years old. I liked them at first because they made me look like Brainy Smurf, who was clearly smart. But as I grew older, so did my nearsightedness. By my awkward teenage years, my glasses became coke bottle telescopes. While contact lenses helped with my […]
OM078: Julia Rymut Beyond the Bliss of Meditative Experiences
Julia Rymut In this episode, Julia Rymut and I explore the arc of her meditative experiences. From her early adventures in India and her misadventures in a spiritual ashram to her more seasoned Buddhist practice today, Julia and I riff on the journey of growing into a mature meditation practice. Julia is a yogi, meditator, […]
Meditation is a Journey
Recently a client asked me to introduce him to meditation. After I explained the basic ins-and-outs of it, he asked, “So it provides relief? That’s why people do it?” I chuckled at this question, as it was trying to apply a goal-oriented mindset to something that inherently is a process. A Completely Different Approach In […]