Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness. ~Eckhart Tolle
Do you struggle to be still?
I don’t just mean in meditation. I’m talking all the time. Maybe if you’re like me, you experience impatience and restlessness. They can creep up on you pretty fast. In the car, waiting in line, sitting at work.
Suddenly, it’s like there’s a big problem and everything has to happen right away and you can’t be still until it’s done.
Why is that? And have you noticed that it’s not just you?
It seems like a lot of us are losing our collective cool a little too quickly these days. Maybe it’s our instant gratification culture?
Or maybe it’s something deeper. Maybe we are losing touch with the part of us that is all about slowing down and the opposite of impatience. What part is that?
Nurturing Stillness In Meditation & In Life
I’m talking about stillness.
As a long-time meditator, I’ve learned that stillness is not just an external posture. Well, it’s that too. But there is a deeper dimension to stillness. Knowing how to access that stillness through meditation can turn impatience, restlessness, and the mindless rush of modern life on its head.
In this episode of the OneMind Meditation Podcast, we explore stillness—why it’s so important in meditation and in our lives.
Be still
Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity
― Lao Tzu
10 steps to stillness in meditation and in life:
- Don’t Move
- Start Simple
- Pay Attention
- Relax
- Outer Stillness Leads to Inner Stillness
- Inner Stillness Is Total Concentration
- Total Focus Frees Your Awareness
- When Your Awareness Is Free, The World Opens To You
- Stillness Leads To Deep Relaxation
- Stillness Is The Foundation For Self-Knowledge
Show Notes
- If you enjoyed this podcast, you may also like our Meditation for Life Mini Course
- Learn more about our free awareness meditation course, How To Free Your Mind & Discover Deep Peace
- Take a self-paced introduction to Meditation, explore the Core Training Program
- Leave us a rating & review on iTunes
(Photos via Flickr CC: wplynn)
Thank you, wonderful information.
Thanks so much for your comment Lisa. Really happy your liked the podcast. 🙂
Thank you so much……..Wonderful information…..
Thanks for your comment Malini. Really glad you liked it :-).
This was very inspiring, just to relax with a cup of tea and listen, have saved this podcast and will be able to listen to it whenever I feel the need. Thanks again
That sounds wonderful Gwen. Thanks!
Thanks for the reminder Morgan, well said, well done.
Thanks so much for your warm feedback George. Hope you’re doing well!
Thank You It was wondweful
Thank you Pathma 🙂