I believe that spiritual growth, under the right conditions, is as natural as breathing. And the conditions of our world are the perfect conditions for spiritual growth. The person you are right now, with all of your challenges and strengths, pain and joys, failures and victories, is the perfect person for the journey ahead. And […]
Tantra, Non-Duality, & The Practice Of No Problem
What is Tantra? I’ve noticed there’s some confusion about this. So here’s a simple way to think about it. In the East, Tantra is any spiritual path whose goal is to bring about the direct recognition of the immediate availability of our boundless nature. Tantric paths do not see the world, the mind, or anything else […]
Four Lessons I learned From Silence
Silence is one of the great arts of conversation. ~Marcus Tullius Cicero Do you pay attention to silence? Have you ever noticed that silence is all around us all the time? I believe silence is one of our most undervalued natural resources. And it’s more or less inexhaustible. And I don’t mean that figuratively. I was surprised to […]
(Audio) The Present Moment: This Is It
Do you ever have those moments when you feel that everything in your life is crystal clear? Everything comes into resolution and you know that this moment is perfect just as it is. You have everything you need to be happy. This moment is full. The Present Moment Amazing teachers like Ram Dass and Eckhart […]
What Is The Dark Side Of Meditation?
Does meditation have a dark side? Can a three thousand year old practice promoted by the Dalai Lama actually harm you? Well, the simple answer is yes. Like any new endeavor taken to extremes without proper guidance and preparation, it’s not without its risks. But it’s complex, and if you are interested in meditation, it’s […]