When I started meditating almost twenty years ago, it was very much a solo affair. In the quiet, pre-dawn hours, I would get up and light a candle in the darkness and sit there practicing, trying to hold my attention on the flickering flame without getting distracted or falling asleep. I loved meditating, and I […]
How Do You Meditate: An Introduction to Free Awareness
Recently I was deep in meditation practice, letting go of everything that passed across the screen of my consciousness. There were all sorts of very interesting things emerging in the fertile field of my awareness, but because I was meditating, I had resolved to let it all go. How Do You Meditate I practice a […]
Hiking Mantra Meditation Experience
Yesterday I discovered the power of reciting a mantra to calm my mind and open my heart. The experience was spontaneous and empowering. And now, I am typing with aloe vera cream covering and cooling my shoulders and arms. I went for a hike and my skin burned in the sun (ouch!). But my mind is […]
Meditation For Health & Vitality
What is the real source of health? Is it the food we eat and the amount of sleep and exercise we get? Of course, but is there more to it? A Free Guided Meditation In this powerful and free guided meditation, meditation teacher and health expert Katherine Miller answers that question by taking you on […]
Meditation for Anxiety: Free Guided Meditation
Life in the 21st century is moving fast. And with it, our stress levels are increasing as we try and keep pace. It’s no surprise then that stress and anxiety are big issues for many of us. Whether we struggle emotionally or through diminished health, stress and anxiety take a toll on us all. That’s […]