Can you get better at meditation? Yes, of course you can. Like any skill you want to master, practice makes perfect. And getting better at meditation is one of the best ways you can improve your quality of life. An old friend said it best, “meditation is to life what a good stock is to […]
What I Learned From A Lizard About Mindful Parenting & Meditation
Do you think animals meditate? How about reptiles? It never crossed my mind until a few years ago on a visit to the local nature center. After we entered the reptile room my little boy and I stood stone still for a long time. Side by side, our feet almost touched the wall of the glass […]
What You Need To Know About Transformation & Meditation
Do you believe in transformation? It’s kind of a funny word when it comes to people. Caterpillars and butterflies are one thing, but how does it apply to us? Meditation and Transformation It’s simpler than you might think, and I want to demystify it for you. I also want to help you understand the mysterious […]
How to Practice the Soundscape Meditation Technique
Do you ever have those moments? You know, the ones when everything goes quiet? Suddenly your mind becomes still, free of the usual noise, and you can hear everything again? Mindfulness Techniques: Soundscape Meditation Powerful mindfulness techniques abound. Tips to help you slow down and savor the present moment in all it’s rich and pulsing […]
When Is It Too Late for You to Start Meditating?
It happened in slow motion. I was flying through the air. My motorcycle helmet skidded down the highway. I was a million miles from home. Studying on the other side of the world in Australia and living with two strangers in a foreign town. My roommate and I had an argument. There were red faces […]