How do you practice mindfulness during your day? What are some mindfulness exercises that can connect us more deeply to ourselves and to the world and people around us? In this short audio, we explore two mindfulness tips that will ground and deepen your connection to life. Two Mindfulness Tips First, we explore the power of […]
A Beginner’s Guide To Meditation
This simple beginners guide will help you become a better meditator. We want you to love meditation and develop rich rewards in the form of inner peace, a focused mind, and a centered soul. So we’ve collected some of the best of About Meditation’s how-to articles and practice tips into a simple guide to help you […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Relaxation And Stress
Stress is a killer. It’s no exaggeration to say that our society is stricken with a stress epidemic. Stress is also one of the biggest reasons why people are turning to the time-honored practice of meditation for relief. Stress does all sorts of damage at the emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual levels of our being. […]
What Is The Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?
What is the difference between meditation and mindfulness. Recently I joined fellow meditator and Showrunner Harry Duran, the host of Podcast Junkies, to discuss this question and much more. We explore the importance of meditation teachers and mentors, the power of going on silent retreat, the difference between mindfulness and meditation, the incredibly short time we have […]
OM043: How Mindfulness Heals & Opens The Heart
What is the relationship between meditation and healing? Can meditation heal trauma? That’s a question we get asked a lot here at About Meditation. That makes sense, because these days, many people embrace meditation as a way to heal from different kinds of trauma. I came to meditation over twenty years ago on a quest for meaning. I […]