Imagine this for a moment. You wake up and the first thing that comes to mind is not your to-do list for the day. Instead, you find yourself eagerly anticipating your morning ritual. After getting your tea or coffee you sit down on your meditation cushion with a selected reading. Occasionally your mind drifts, but […]
September Community Meditation Recording
Guided Meditation Audio Guided Meditation Video [I’m offering these free guided meditation in the lead up to the Coming Home Mindfulness Meditation Training Course starting Oct, 9th. More about that soon!] In this free guided meditation, we spend the hour doing a blend of mindfulness practices to ground ourselves in the body and connect to […]
Why I Love To Cry…A Lot!
About 10 years ago, my whole world turned upside down. All the stable ground under my feet disappeared overnight. Like that magician deftly whipping a sheet out from under the china set. But this time, imagine instead that the table itself disappears. Freefall… The contemporary spiritual ashram and community where I worked, lived, and practiced […]
Basic Mindfulness Guided Meditation – August 2023
Video Audio In this guided meditation, we engage with different mindfulness practices to prepare for a session of basic mindfulness. We do this in order to ground our attention in the body. Specifically, in the heart center. As we engage with these embodiment practices, we slowly start to feel into our entire breathing body. This […]
Guided Meditation: Heart-Based Mindfulness
A lot of us meditate in and from our heads. But you know what? When we meditate, our whole heart and body is actually involved. If we don’t recognize that and consciously engage with it, we’re missing out on a lot of the wisdom and intelligence that’s naturally flowing through our experience each time we […]