“Forget past mistakes, forget failures, forget everything except what you’re going to do now, and do it.” ~Will Durant Do you struggle to stay focused on your goals? Do you get easily distracted from the things that are most important? These days, there is so much competing for your attention: commitments, responsibilities, relationships, your smartphone, […]
Meditation 101: A Beginners Guide With The Tips, Benefits, & Techniques You Need To Know
Meditation is a big topic. There are countless approaches, benefits, techniques, and schools of practice. And if you’re like most people, you’re probably looking for a simple and comprehensive overview. Where should you start? What are the different approaches? When should you meditate and for how long? Finally, what are the benefits of meditation and […]
How To Tap Into Your Flow State
In two hours in flow I can accomplish tremendous things! ~Sir Richard Branson Have you ever experienced a flow state? If you’re interested in unlocking the deeper formula underlying human purpose, meaning, and happiness, understanding the dynamics that help us experience flow in our lives is key. The concept of flow states became popular after […]
5 Reasons You Might Fail At Meditation
Meditation isn’t about what’s happening; it’s about how you relate to what’s happening. ~Sharon Salzberg Do you struggle to get your meditation practice off the ground? If you’re like many people, meditation can be hard to start. And even when you do get started, it’s often difficult to find a groove or sweet spot. When […]
The One Thing You Must Do To Make Meditation A Habit
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~Aristotle Do you want to make meditation a habit that lasts? Do you know how long it takes for any new behavior to become a bona-fide habit? And technically, what does that even mean? My guess is that you’ve tried to […]