Be grateful for adversity, for it forces the human spirit to grow. For surely the human character is formed not in the absence of difficulty but in our response to difficulty. ~Jim Rohn
Have you ever come back from death? There aren’t a lot of people on earth who can say they’ve died and come back to life. Hal Elrod is one of them.
Hal’s story, as he recounts it in his bestselling book, The Miracle Morning, captured my heart and mind a little over a year ago. But his story was just the beginning. In his book, Hal also introduced me to a unique morning routine that changed my own life. He calls it the Life SAVERS.
In this episode of the OneMind Meditation Podcast, Hal shares his story and the incredible events that have unfolded since his accident and how they led to his book, The Miracle Morning.
Today, Hal is at the forefront an impassioned movement of people who are changing their lives through a novel approach to their morning routines. This approach, which Hal calls Life SAVERS, includes a powerful blend of self-development practices.
- Silence
- Affirmations
- Visualization
- Exercise
- Reading
- Scribing (Journaling)
I can personally attest to the transformative powerful of Hal’s approach to morning routines and have already recorded a podcast episode about it called How To Turn Meditation Into A Keystone Habit.
So what does all this have to do with meditation? I invited Hal onto the show because he places a strong emphasis on silence as part of his Life SAVERS routine. And beyond that, meditation dovetails elegantly with these other practices.
In time, the Life SAVERS become mutually reinforcing habits, enhancing one another. If you’ve struggled to hone your morning routine, I can’t recommend The Miracle Morning strongly enough.
It can change your life. It definitely changed mine.
Show Notes
- Visit HalElrod.com
- Buy The Miracle Morning on Amazon
- Join the Miracle Morning Community
- Visit Best Year Ever Blueprint.com
- Read Habit Stacking by Steve Scott
- Read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- Try Immersive Meditation with Michael Ellsberg
- Try The 6 Phase Meditation on Youtube
- Listen to Mindfulness Teacher Julianna Raye
- Listen to How To Turn Meditation Into A Keystone Habit
- Read The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
- Read Vision To Reality – by Honoree
How important is posture when you meditate? I tend to lean back on my bed when I meditate?
Hi Scott,
In general, posture is pretty important. If you are doing a meditation or relaxation practice to fall asleep, then obviously lying down is the way to go. But if your aim is not to fall asleep and to be relaxed but awake and to develop deeper levels of self-knowledge and understanding, then it’s most important to keep your spine straight and sit up straight when you meditate.
Of all the gifts we can have, achieving atonement and at-onement with God through meditation is the greatest.
Beautiful. Thanks Sally!