Are you struggling in meditation? If you are, you’re not alone. It took me around 10 years meditating 2 hours every day before the balance shifted from chronic struggle to steady state meditation. Whether I was falling asleep, losing the plot, dulling out, or just plain forgetting why I was doing it to begin with, […]
How To Find Limitless Confidence Through Meditation
I love meditating. I do it every day and practice a form of meditation called Free Awareness. I didn’t always love it though. I used to struggle with it all the time. Truth be told, I probably spent more time mastering ‘how to struggle’ than I did ‘how to meditate’. Maybe you can relate? Odds […]
Can Meditation Change the World?
I teach meditation, and one question I hear a lot is a variation on this. “Is meditation a selfish pursuit, or can it really help change the world? And if so, how?” Maybe you have that same question? I’ve thought deeply about this, and based on a recent meditation festival I attended, I want to […]
Meditation for Children: 7 Steps to Introduce Meditation in the Classroom
Mindfulness in Math Class For seventeen years years, I have been teaching mathematics to high school students in Australia and the US. I have always loved teaching, and mathematics has been a passion of mine since High School. I have also been fortunate to introduce another of my great passions into the classroom, and that’s […]
Mindfulness Techniques: 5 Reasons You Should Try Mindful Exercise
I have two anchors for my soul and sanity each day, and they are meditation and exercise. Every morning before I go to work I turn down the noise in my head on the meditation cushion and tune up my body at the gym. Until recently, I never thought much about the relationship between these […]