I am a meditator and yoga teacher. These practices have brought depth to my life and helped me find perspective and purpose. But a year and a half ago, I became a mom for the first time. As you might expect, it’s had a big impact on my practice, but not in the way […]
Letting Go And Coming Home
There is a myth about meditation. A lot of people think that it is something you can do well or do poorly. I often work with people who are brand new to meditation. Sometimes they say they have “tried it but haven’t done it right” or feel that they “can’t do it.” But here’s the thing. […]
What Is Transmission Meditation? How Meditation Moves Between Us
Many years ago, after spending time with different meditation teachers, I became aware of an interesting phenomenon. Some teachers seemed to have the ability to actually transmit their own state of meditative awareness to their students. Sometimes I would attend a meditation class and walk away feeling good from the meditation, but I didn’t necessarily […]
Meditation Without Practice & The Mystery Of Awakening
Commonly we refer to meditation as a practice. I think this is a bad idea. Practice is something you do now so that you will be able to perform better in the future when it counts. I practice piano so that I will be great during my recital. I practice football so that I will […]
Do You Fall Asleep Meditating? 6 Simple Strategies To Help
Years ago, when I started to practice the art of meditation, I would regularly start to fall asleep meditating. It began in yoga. I would lie on the floor in corpse pose (savasana) and start to drift off. When these times came, nothing would stop the sleepiness. Even if I was doing breathing exercises (pranayama). I […]