Accessing the energy of healing during Meditation is a very important skill. It requires very little in the sense of ‘technique’, but much in the way of surrendering one’s sense of “doing” it by your own hand.
Healing Meditation
Here is a simple way to perform healing during your meditation.
Begin by relaxing completely. Take several deep, cleansing breaths as a way to signal to your body and nervous system that you are ready to let go.
Start your healing meditation.
Let go of your worries, tensions and concerns.
Allow your awareness to become completely present and awake to what is.
Sink down, feel yourself sliding into a deep state of surrender and relaxation.
Allow everything to be as it is.
Eventually as you continue, your body and mind will find a natural state of relaxation.
Give into it and allow yourself to sink deeply inward.
Fall deeply into the silence of your inner being.
Sense the spaciousness around you and feel the lack of boundaries.
In this place of deep quiet and peace:
Pray to a higher power.
Ask for help. Ask that you be a vessel for healing.
Direct your intention toward the person for whom you wish to send healing.
Visualize yourself as a channel for the energy of healing and wellbeing.
Imagine the person who needs healing as surrounded by a Golden Light.
Imagine that the person is releasing and letting go of pain, disease, and illness.
Imagine that the illness is flowing out of them like smoke going to the ends of the universe.
Feel a sense of peace and love flowing from you for this other person.
Surround them with that energy of love.
Ask for the best and most beneficial outcome for this other person.
Stay in the place of energy, love and peace as long as you wish.
When you are ready, offer thanks to your Higher Power.
Gradually come back to the room you are in.
Open your eyes.