There are a lot of evergreen meditation tips. There are techniques and tricks you can learn along the way. But I’ve found that one lesson stands above the rest. After meditating for more than two decades, I’ve come to call it the Golden Rule of meditation. The Golden Rule is simple. In essence, it tells […]
OM034: Why This Pro Boxer Meditates Every Single Day
Be aware of yourself and know yourself. No matter how much you have learned and how much you know, if you don’t know yourself you don’t know anything. ~Zen Master Shosan What does a modern-day warrior look like? Does being a warrior have anything to do with meditation? And when was the last time you […]
OM033: Why We Need Silence Much More Than We Think
We’re fascinated by the words. But where we meet is in the silence behind them. ~Ram Dass Why do we need silence? That disarming question launched a recent conversation I had with a health reporter. The answer to that question has many parts. Why? Because there’s inner silence and there’s outer silence. They’re related, but they’re […]
OM032: Growth & Insight Through Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy
Where do meditation and psychology intersect? For several decades, these two models of self-understanding—one based in religion and the other in science—have started to mingle and merge. As mindfulness steadily develops a body of research to support it’s efficacy in treating stress, depression, anxiety, and emotional trauma, we’ve seen the simultaneous rise of mindfulness-based psychotherapy. In this […]
OM031: Having Trouble Meditating? 5 Common Challenges Every Meditator Needs To Understand
Meditation can be challenging. That’s especially true when you’re starting out. It’s easy to get lost, confused, frustrated, or just bored. As you wade into the deeper waters of contemplative arts like meditation, it’s important to understand the terrain. For example, it’s helpful to know where you can expect challenges. Where (and when) are you going to have […]