Let me admit it up front. Really good quotes disarm me. You could easily woo me into conversation with a few words from some author or teacher I’ve not heard before.
For me, good quotes are like metaphysical shots of Italian espresso that go straight to my head.
There’s no shortage of excellent quotes out there. In our hyper-connected world, we are all enjoying a uniquely rich moment as the social networks are saturated with voices of passion, beauty, goodness, and wisdom many have never heard before.
These artistic meditation quotes are original creations from our team here at About Meditation. We designed them to help spread and transmit the beauty and power of meditation via the web. Now, more than ever before, we can share the incredible diversity and power of meditative traditions from around the world.
What is the benefit of reading meditation quotes? Contemplating the words of a seasoned teacher is a time-honored way to access your own deeper self. Taking time to slow down and consider the words of a more advanced practitioner can help catalyze the inner conditions for meditation.
Ten Of My Favorite Mindfulness Quotes
In that spirit, I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite mindfulness quotes from teachers, thinkers, and practitioners from across time and tradition.
So sit back, relax, and let these quotes transport you from the surface turbulence of today’s troubles to the calm still waters that live down deep.
And if you have a few favorite mindfulness quotes to share with everyone, please post them in the comments below.
Do you want to get mindfulness quotes like these? Check out our mindfulness quotes series and get 100 quotes over 100 days.
Do you want to get mindfulness quotes like these? Check out our mindfulness quotes series and get 100 quotes over 100 days.
It’s like the brain is geared towards survival in the long term. It constantly analyses and plans with a view to threat assessment, so it logically tends towards a negative focus. While our awareness, with a bit of space between it and the brain’s nagging eclipsing it has the capacity to appreciate the fuller riches of life in the moment. There needs to be a balance. I need to survive, but your materials have helped me access something more than that. Yes, I like the image of an eclipse that I’ve just stumbled on. After an eclipse the moon doesn’t go away does it? It just moves out of the way. There’s plenty of room in the sky. I’m already starting to get a bit more light ha ha!
Hey AI, I think you’re right in terms of the brain being geared towards survival and threats and problems. And that’s why we all need to work to balance out the natural tendency of our minds towards the negative. I couldn’t agree more. Quotes are such a great way to do that! Simple but powerful. I’m glad it’s all helping and you’re getting value out of this material. Thanks for sharing you experience.