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One Mind Meditation Podcast

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Meditation Courses

I used to wonder about starting a daily practice of my own and Morgan provided an option that was well-rounded and approachable in such a gently structured space. He was able to weave together poetry, music, and subtle guided shifts of perspective during the daily sessions that allowed room for my mind, body, and spirit to connect and find awareness in itself very naturally and seamlessly. I had epiphanies and dreams coming from a deep place inside of me during this time and they were pivotal in my attempts at releasing old narratives and beliefs. Morgan was also very thoughtful and generous in answering any questions and the group dynamic was so wonderful. As an introvert, it really showed me the power and love possible through an amplified group conscious and I will always be grateful for that. I highly recommend the course to anyone who may be interested. -Grace

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No More Excuses!

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Often times, when something is good for us, we will find excuses not to do it. Going to the gym, eating healthier foods, and, according to Philip Goldberg, meditation is no exception. Goldberg, in his article for Huffington Post, explains […]

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Why Meditate? Top 10 Reasons Why Not To

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Updated February 14, 2014. So, Why Meditate? At About Meditation we share with you a lot of the benefits of meditating. But, do you ever wonder if there are any good reasons not to meditate? Have fun reading this ‘tongue […]

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