Hollywood star Richard Gere shares that enlightenment is built in a day-to-day effort with the practice of meditation. In his own words: “The only thing that will get us anywhere on the spiritual path, whether it’s concentration, loving kindness or wisdom that we want to develop, is dedicating ourselves to a daily practice. We take for […]
Meditation at Work and in Business [Video]
Meditation at work is becoming a popular trend. In this episode of WorkLife Nation, Judy Martin profiles Andrew Newberg M.D. author of How God Changes Your Brain. The video includes a discussion about meditation and the workplace. When you’re talking specifically in the context of a workplace, practices like meditation or prayer – even if […]
Smudge My House and Office? Really?
Smudging is the common name given to the sacred smoke bowl blessing. How and why smudge your home and office? Because smudging – wafting the smoke from a smoldering bundle of sage – is a ritual for removing not so favorable energies (vibrations) from an area. The term “smudging” is derived from a North American Native tradition. […]
Tina Turner: On Buddhism & Spirituality
Updated February 17, 2014. On this episode of Speak Easy, pop icon Tina Turner talks about Buddhism, spirituality, and even chants a prayer. Watch this video of Tina Turner share her meditation insights (5 mins) Tina Turner is no newcomer to spiritual practice. In this short clip she shares how she’s always found access to […]
Experiencing a Reiki Treatment Session [Video]
What would it be like to experience a Reiki treatment session? The Reiki Council in the UK created this video to help you see. Receiving a Reiki treatment is a very simple and relaxing process. The recipient simply lies on a massage table, the preferred position, although treatment can be given in sitting or other positions. It’s […]