“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~Aristotle Do you want to make meditation a habit that lasts? Do you know how long it takes for any new behavior to become a bona-fide habit? And technically, what does that even mean? My guess is that you’ve tried to […]
The Surprising Statistics Behind Creating A New Meditation Habit
Old habits are hard to break. New ones, like meditation, are equally hard to create. Especially when they go against old habits. Think about it for a second. To break old habits and create new ones requires a double dose of motivation and self-discipline. Recently, I made a startling discovery about the statistics behind creating new […]
5 Simple Steps To Create A Meditation Habit That Sticks
It’s New Years. The resolutionaries are on the march. You’re armed with new goals and visions for 2015. For example, it’s a fabulous moment to start a new meditation practice. But have you thought about how you’re going to make it stick? How can you create the habits that are going to help you thrive […]
[Audio] How To Practice Free & Focused Awareness Meditation
Did you know that every meditation technique falls into one of two camps? Whatever meditation you practice, it’s either a focused awareness meditation or a free awareness meditation. Focused Awareness Meditation vs Free Awareness Meditation Traditionally, focused awareness meditation is called “meditation with seed.” That means that you are focusing your mind on something like a […]
[Video] Interview & Guided Meditation on WholeU.TV
This summer I was interviewed by Shannon O’Brien, the founder of Whole U. Shannon is a career and life strategy consultant who supports professionals in living balanced and purposeful lives. I encourage you to learn more about Shannon’s amazing work over at http://www.wholeu.info/. In this short interview we explore why meditation seems to be meeting a deep […]