Updated March 21, 2014. When you think about a weight loss program, you probably have visions of sweating off fat and counting calories. But did you know that practicing meditation to lose weight can be a valuable part of your weight loss program? Although you won’t burn many calories in a typical meditation session, you’ll […]
Try Eraser Visualization to Clear Your Mind
Here’s a simple way to clear your mind, and help you become more centered and mindful. Our brains are constantly receiving images from external input. And we also produce internal images that can be interpreted by our minds just as clearly as outside influences. Take a quick moment each day to clear your mind of […]
Got the blues? Try Meditation for Depression
Updated March 14, 2014. Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also be used to fight depression. Mindfulness meditation can help you build your own inner resources and lift yourself into a more positive frame of mind. The following excerpts show how meditation for depression can help you find some […]
Overcoming Social Anxiety with Meditation
Updated March 13, 2014. The thought of public speaking may trigger your jittery nerves and cause your anxiety level to soar. Fear not. If you’re interested in overcoming social anxiety, Researchers at Stanford University have advice for you: Meditate. Psychology researcher, Philippe Goldin led a study on participants with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). He wanted to […]
Benefits of Tai Chi for Parkinson’s Disease
Updated March 12, 2014. The ancient martial art of tai chi uses gentle flowing movements to connect the mind and body. It is often described as “movement meditation” or “active meditation” because of the mind-body connection. Over time tai chi has evolved into a graceful form of exercise because of it’s stress reducing properties and it’s ability […]