Incorporating meditation into your work day is a great way to focus your efforts and achieve peace in what could be a stressful atmosphere. Meditating has proven stress relieving benefits.
Here are some useful tips from
How to Meditate at Work:
1. Use the tiniest of breaks to focus:
When you are alone, waiting for someone in a conference room, or in the elevator, try to find a focal point to rest your open eyes. You may be tempted to look at those around you, or talk, but if possible, stay silent and focus.
Inhale and exhale in controlled and deep breaths. Your stomach should rise as you inhale; and you need to draw your navel in as you exhale. Even if you are alone for just 30 seconds, you will find it refreshing, especially with regular practice. By slowing down and focusing in this way your blood pressure will stabilize and you will increase the oxygen flow to the brain, thereby increasing your level of alertness.
2. Get connected:
Close your eyes for a few minutes, and shut your mind to all the sounds in your office. You will find yourself more connected with your own self sense.
3. Think of what you love:
Form mental images of places, people or situations that you love. Thinking of these will help to you relax and meditate at work. You can also close your eyes and silently repeat a word, thought or phrase that relaxes you.
4. Breathe!
This age-old, tried and tested meditation technique works wonders. Breathing is a natural function and it is the engine of life. Focus all your attention on how you breathe. Concentrate on feeling your breaths as you inhale and exhale through your nostrils. Breathe deeply and slowly. This will help you unwind.
5. Engage in prayer:
Even if you can only find 10 minutes between your daily tasks, use the time to simply pray. Prayer has the power to move mountains.
6. Read:
Reading quotes or sacred texts that inspire and motivate you can bring peace of mind and boost your energy levels. Whether you read the quotes silently or aloud, you must reflect on the words you read.
7. Soothing sounds:
Put on some really soft, soothing instrumental music to unwind.
Whether you are meditating at work for relaxation and stress relief purposes or to set positive intentions for a successful day, you’re sure to add focus, creativity and purpose into your life and on the job!
What tips can you share about how to meditate at work?