What do your cells have to do with love? According to stem cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, bestselling author and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, there is a biology of romance, where cells hold profound power over our health – and the way they “feel” effects the signals they send to our brains. Dr. Lipton calls it the “Honeymoon Effect.”
In an interview with Dr. Deborah Sandella recorded in Science of Mind, Lipton claims that when we fall in love our affection is not limited to a particular person. Instead our perception of the world changes. We try new things. We listen and share and take time for pleasure. We become in love with the feeling of being in love.
Amazing as it may sound, each and every one of our cells behaves like a miniature human, says Lipton. Inside you, fifty trillion minute human-like cells work together. Cells side-by-side helping each other accomplish pumping your heart, breathing your lungs and all the millions of tasks that need to happen. When we feel “in love,” our cells have the vibration of love too! Sounds pretty good!

Receptor proteins on each cells outside membrane receive signals from the environment, which means not only the physical environment, but the emotional environment as well. Effector proteins transform the signals into vibrations, messages, to be carried to the brain. So in essence, environmental signals and emotions are primarily responsible for creating illness. Stress, diet, behavior, toxins and other factors are predominent in causing illness – more so than genes. In fact, 90% of the time.
More importantly, research shows the cells are influenced by non-physical signals – more than chemicals. Techniques such as meditation, focused intent, positive emotions, our attitudes and thoughts then, in theory, have a greater capacity to heal than using a drug. (Miracle healings, although documented, are not the norm and we are not suggesting they replace convention treatment.)
With a tone of excitement Lipton notes, “ Wow! This means that people are not victims of their genes as we used to think. They can change their perceptions and thus change their health. Now that’s exciting! The old biology used to take away choice and control the outcome. When you tell people they are victims, their power is diminished. The work now is to help people change their perceptions so they can change their outcomes.”
How does it work you ask? The cell is a data “chip” by its definition, shares Lipton. Our perceptual memories and beliefs are stored in the cell membrane and constantly being transmitted to the brain for interpretation. The mind responds to these vibrational messages by creating coherence between belief and reality. In other words, when your cells transmit to your mind, the mind works diligently to create the same chemical reality in your body. Thus, if you believe you will get sick, your mind will coordinate your cells to make it true. And if your cells transmit signals suggesting you are vibrant and healthy, your mind again will go about making that happen. This power of perception is demonstrated, says Lipton, in studies, which found adopted children get cancer with the same propensity as their blood siblings both raised in the same family, yet from different genetics…Lipton reports, “medicine has acknowledged that illness is seeded in the first six years of life when beliefs are downloaded by the family into the child’s subconscious.”
Lipton points out that the biggest problem is that people don’t believe they can change their minds and beliefs very easily. He suggests that if we teach our children in their first 6 years that they can change their minds and thus their bodies, an empowering shift to love and vitality can become easy.
The biology of romance reminds us how healthy love is, in ways we never before thought possible. That head-over-heals-I’m-in-love state of mind is a environment your cells would be fortunate to be in always.
How do you do that? Begin to fall in love with life. How do you do that? Live in the moment. How do you learn to do that? Meditate, meditate, meditate!