Yoga For Age 60+: A Guide to a New Journey of Safe Yoga Practice at Home, by Meena Vad, seeks to share with systematic guidelines how the healing powers of yoga can improve the quality of your life. “As we live healthier and happier lives by practicing yoga, we have the potential to make important contributions to society in later years. The senior generation is the foundation of any society in any nation. It is our responsibility to keep this foundation strong and stable”, says Vad.
With an engaging style and meticulously crafted illustrations, Vad prompts each of us to take control of our bodies and minds. Her spiritually charged debut yoga tutorial is geared at getting men and women over the age of sixty to strike a pose. She helps readers enhance many processes of their bodies and minds while continuing to guide them in how to correct existing imbalances. In twelve engaging and insightful chapters like “Yoga of Postures”, “Yoga of Breathing (Pranayama)”, “Yoga of Meditation (Dhyana Yoga),”, “Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga),” and “Yoga for specific conditions”, Vad offers Eastern scientific tools to regain vitality, strength, and peace of mind. For those who suffer chronic conditions, there’s an entire section that outlines specific curative postures. What’s perhaps most exciting is that yoga enthusiasts are able to customize specific practice sequences suited to their specific needs.
After years of studying Sanskrit, Vedic literature, and Ayurveda, and working as a Software Engineer, Meena Vad compares the human brain to a supercomputer. Each of us has a huge memory—with different software and hard drives—and it all comes down to experiences and perspective. As a further distinction from other yoga guides, Vad shows the way of yoga by focusing on an individual’s biological and psychological age rather than one’s chronological age. Vad hopes that the results from yoga practice which are verified by modern scientists, will give new insights to the practitioners of yoga.
About the Author Meena Vad
Meena Vad is a software engineer and freelance writer with degrees in physics and computer programming technology. After practicing, as well as watching Yoga practitioners for many years and gathering the results of scientific research on the effects of Yoga, she is compelled to present the outcome to her readers. She is a proud mother and grandmother and lives in Austin, Texas. Yoga for Age 60+ is her first book.
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