You don’t need to be a zen monk or a kung-fu master
(or even a kung-fu panda!) to meditate like a pro.
The truth is, if you are willing to invest a little old-fashioned elbow grease and hard work, you’re already 80% there.
We can help you with the rest.
You see, meditation isn’t just for monks, yogis, and hippies. Yes, they cornered the market on it for the last 50 years (and longer!).
But meditation has been on the cover of TIME magazine twice in the last decade. What does that mean?
Meditation is mainstream!
It’s so effective that even doctors and scientists are
paying attention.
So why wait to start?
Let’s face it. There are more great reasons to meditate than ever before and all the same boring reasons to put it off.
So let’s just cut to the chase and get down to business.
We want to help you start meditating, and we’ve put together a great package of free resources to help you get started.
How to Meditate is a free 16-part course
and ongoing email newsletter.
Also score instant access to five guided meditations,
four infographics, and a 30-day meditation challenge.
Here’s what we’ve got for you:
→ 16 of About Meditation’s best how-to articles curated into a 16-part email mini course
→ 5 Guided Meditations to accompany your course lessons
→ 4 Gorgeous infographics to inspire your practice
→ A 30-day meditation challenge to help you launch your daily practice
Ok, that’s 26 cool tools to get you off
the starting blocks and on the meditation cushion.
Our aim is simple. We want to help you find
that still calm invincible center in yourself.
It’s there in everyone. You probably know that already.
And more than that, we want to teach you how to
cultivate a steady patient practice that will help you
live from that beautiful place.
How to Meditate is a free 16-part course
and ongoing email newsletter.
Also score instant access to five guided meditations,
four infographics, and a 30-day meditation challenge.